Struggling to lose weight and nothing is working no matter how hard you try? Trying to conceive a baby?
Do you have or have you had chronic stress in your life? We all hear that stress is bad for us but it's interesting to look a little deeper to understand what that actually means.
Looking at the red side of the pic helps you realize why people become stress-induced hypertensive, pre-diabetic, gain weight, can't sleep, have difficulty getting pregnant when they are under a lot of stress.
While your body is in "Fight or Flight" mode, it is not activating our "Rest & Digest" or "Feed & Breed" response. Your body aims to keep your essential organs pumping, and digestion and reproduction are not considered essential functions.
Often after chronic stress we need to work on nutritional and lifestyle changes/enhancements to reactivate our Rest & Digest, and Feed & Breed response.

Photo credit: unknown
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